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The question of how sustainability and a good life for everyone are connected has occupied me for many years (I will tell much more about this journey here soon!).

Therefore, in 2021, I started with the Austrian Chapter of the Club of Rome together with the UniNEtZ project at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and the University of Salzburg a project that is now called

Wellbeing – a good life for all in a world full of crises

The main idea of this project is that in order for all people on earth to be able to live well in the future, it is necessary to set goals at the individual, national and global levels that describe qualitatively and quantitatively what kind of future we want. and from this to develop positive images and stories of the future at all levels (from the individual to the world as a whole).

In two research projects for Austrian programs we developed these ideas together with artists, system thinkers, economists, policy makers, NGO members and practitioners.

See .

and also the research project that is largely based on these ideas:

In both projects we tested four workshops, to develop a common, more comprehensive understanding of the system and at the same time create new, acquired knowledge in which other, diverse types of knowledge (cognitive, intuitive, emotional, context-related) are mobilised.

Together with Barbara Bulc, whom I met at the Wellbeing Summit in Bilbao, and Simona Koch, I launched the ‘Futures of Communities’ initiative in which we want to contribute to a wellbeing society through conversations, knowledge sharing and collaborative practices with the power of communities.

The „Futures of Communities“ also manifests my connection to Barbara Bulc‘ „SDG Colab“ and I am happy to serve pro bono on the board of this non-profit organisation and with that I am also cooperating with The Wellbeing Economy Alliance as well as the The Weaving Lab.

Starting this summer (2024) I have been happy to support Fernando Andrés Sánchez González and his initiative for a „Wellbeing Driven Economy„.

Finally I want to mention that I am supporting Rainer Schultheis in his sustainability related activities at Saphenus Medical Technology.

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